Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wayyyyy Over the Top Public School Moonbattery in Illinois

Via Rachel Lucas this story is almost hard to believe, but sadly the direction we're heading. Deerfield is only about 45 minutes away from my little corner of the world (Kenosha,WI)

Read this and tell me that public schools haven't gone way past inclusiveness right to anything goes moonbat advocacy.


Anonymous said...

This is just crazy! Where have our public school systems gone wrong? What type of school district feels that this pornographic material is appropriate to teach our children. How do you go about reform that's the first question in my head. These people who had involvement in the confidentiality agreement need to be arrested and prosecuted. These people should'nt have any involvement in the educational growth of our children. I hate knowing that this has happened. I'm worried about how close to home this has hit. This sucks!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the only way for reform is to put good decent people on school boards and not always ex-teachers and their family members.

Teachers are too tied to their union and in turn their unions are too tied to liberal politics.