Monday, March 24, 2008

Absolutely Pointless Activism

Here's some anti-war protesters in all their strange glory.

That link goes to a story about some anti-war protesters in Illinois who ran through a church on Easter Sunday squirting fake blood on themselves and attendees.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall when some of these genius plans are hatched:

Lefty: Dude, you doin anything with your family over Easter?

Moonbeam: How many times do I have to tell you, the family is just a construct of the ruling elite to prop up the whole patriarchal machine.

Lefty: I guess that's a "no".

Moonbeam: I'm dropping by to get my laundry, but after that I'm outtie dude. I don't care about their stupid God or their commercial holiday. Baaaaaaaa baaaa! Idiots.

Lefty: So what are we gonna do?

Moonbeam: Let's really show 'em man. Let's wake some people up to what's really happenin dude. Let's hit 'em in their comfort zone.

Lefty: Huh?

Moonbeam: In church dude, in church! They can't ignore us when we've got them all together. This is our chance to show them how right we are.

Lefty: Dude church is like early and you haven't been up before noon since you graduated.

Moonbeam: This is different man. This is important. We can squirt water with red food coloring all over them so they think about blood and war and stuff. They can't turn away, can't deny it. It'll be brilliant.

Left: I've got some Halloween masks we could wear to hide our faces.

Moonbeam: Are you stupid? We don't wanna marginalize ourselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This exhibition is symbolic of the blood shed due to intolerance. "God" is no more real than Santa Claus.