Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Does This Cancel Al Gore Out?

Check out the graph below and notice the total absence of correlation between levels of carbon in the atmosphere and temperatures over the past nine years.

The violet line is the observed temperature change from the UK's Hadley Climate Research Unit. The blue line is the observed temperature change from NASA's MSU satellite. The green line is the observed CO2 level.


This graph was included in a letter to the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change from a group that includes a Nobel Peace Prize recipient. The letter challenged the panel to acknowledge that there "is no observational evidence in measured data going back 22,000 years or even millions of years that CO2 levels (whether from man or nature) have driven or are driving world temperatures or climate change."

You can read the letter here, because you know you won't hear about it on the news.

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