Wednesday, April 23, 2008

PETA Wants You To Grow Your Meat

No that's not another tasteless junk-mail headline for insecure men, but instead the literal aim of a new PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) initiative.

They are offering a $1 million prize to whoever can create a meat product grown in a laboratory and indistinguishable from it's naturally derived counterpart. The product can only use starter cells taken from an animal and no more.

Apparently this has caused an uproar in the PETA ranks particularly among the food purists who abhor messing with nature. These are the same people who push organic foods and shun genetically/hormonally enhanced meat.

While the PETA campaign might draw some attention I don't think it's going to be the catalyst in any development. I would imagine that while a million bucks is nothing to sniff at, such a product would be worth hundreds of times that. If it can be made then I assume somebody is already on their way to making it.

So what do you think? Do you have a problem with lab produced meat or does it turn your stomach?

Or do you wanna wrap yourself in it like this girl just to spite PETA?

1 comment:

Nocomme1 said...

I find myself both intrigued by this story and also filled with an almost overwhelming hunger for eggs and...some other breakfast food I can't quite put my finger on....